This morning I found myself in an emotionally supercharged situation. It did NOT feel good at all! And I was blown away because not only haven't I had that in a long time but I had also just finished preparing a free event series on "Stress Relieve" yesterday. I reminded myself of what I keep on telling my clients: "It is not the situation that is causing you stress. It is how you perceive it....what you make of it." I applied a very simple process to transform the perception of stress and did a few other things to pull myself out of this emotional, stressed hole. Worked perfectly!!!
So, as I had planned for today, I want to offer you this very same tool to remove, or better, transform the perception of a stressful situation. This situation can lie in the past, present or future. It can be done by phone or video and is a very gentle way of removing the stress layer so you can calm down and see more clearly what this is all about and what you can do about it.
It's also a beautiful way to get a taste of energy psychology and in particular, the PSYCH-K® process.