The one and only thing all of us can and should do in order to actively and positively influence our lives and what is going on in the world right now, is SELF-CARE. The better you take care of yourself, the better you will show up for others and in all areas of your life. The current events may make you feel powerless but we are very powerful beings. We are all connected and what we THINK, FEEL AND DO not only affects our health, energy and life. It's a chain reaction. From our inside into our love relationships, families, social circles, business environments, the world. We need to detoxify our minds and hearts. Become aware of any limiting, worrying, self-talk in your mind, get honest with yourself about what doesn't feel good. Dig into the things you do that bring you and others down. Awareness is the first step to change. It will allow you to increase your energy, raise your stress resilience, make you healthier and feel better about yourself, see more of the positive than the negative of what's going on right now, and prepare you better for whatever is coming our way. Start by jotting down any negative or limiting thoughts going through your mind during the day, at night, whenever. Step into your power!